What are the payment and allocation indicators?

All orders have a few different statuses associated with them. These statuses are shown on the order page with an indicator.

Indicators are displayed at the top of the order page and give you a quick overview of any actions that could be needed for a given order.



When an order is successfully placed there are three statuses set for the order these are;

  • Paid - The order has been paid for by the customer
  • Unallocated - The stock has yet to be allocated
  • Unfulfilled - The order has not yet been fulfilled

Actions taken on the order will automatically update these statuses. For example when an order fulfillment has been processed the last two statuses will update to;

  • Allocated - Stock has been allocated and removed from your inventory
  • Fulfilled - The order has been fulfilled and is on it’s way to the customer.

The payment and allocation indicators cannot be updated manually and instead depend on actions being performed on an order before they update.

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