To add an exporter to your report you need to ensure the report uses the Aero\Admin\Reports\Traits\CanExport trait and that the exporter class is in the reports protected static $exports array.
By default Aero provides a CSV, XML, and JSON exporter.
namespace Acme\MyModule\Reports;
use Aero\Admin\Reports\Exporters\CSVExporter;
use Aero\Admin\Reports\Exporters\JSONExporter;
use Aero\Admin\Reports\Exporters\XMLExporter;
use Aero\Admin\Reports\Report;
use Aero\Admin\Reports\Traits\CanExport;
use Aero\Cart\Models\Order;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
class OrdersReport extends Report
use CanExport;
protected function newQuery(): Builder
return Order::with([
'status', 'items', 'currency', 'discounts', 'payments.method',
protected static $exports = [
Creating a Report Exporter
You need to create a class for your exporter that extends Aero\Admin\Reports\ReportExporter and implements the required public handle function.
Handle Parameters
Type | Description |
Collection | The first parameter is a collection of the exportable tables columns. |
Builder | The second parameter is the query that should be used to get the data for the export. |
String | The third parameter is the key of the table being exported. |
namespace Acme\MyModule\Reports\Exporters;
use Aero\Admin\Reports\ReportExporter;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class CustomExporter extends ReportExporter
public function handle($columns, $rows, $key)
$file = $key.'-'.Carbon::now().'.csv';
return response()->streamDownload(function () use ($columns, $rows) {
$file = fopen('php://output', 'wb');
fputcsv($file, $columns->map->header()->toArray());
$rows->chunk(100, function ($chunk) use ($file, $columns) {
foreach ($chunk as $row) {
$rowData = [];
foreach ($columns as $column) {
$rowData[] = $column->exportContent($row);
fputcsv($file, $rowData);
}, $file,
ReportExporter::getHttpHeaders('text/csv', $file)
Now you need to add your newly created exporter to your report as shown at the start of this article.