You need to create a class for your lens that extends Aero\Admin\Reports\ReportLens and implements the required public value function. The value function will return a string used to display your lens.
namespace Acme\MyModule\Reports\Lenses;
use Aero\Admin\Reports\ReportLens;
class TotalOrdersLens extends ReportLens
protected function value()
return $this->query->count();
You can optionally override the render method to change the view that your lens uses. The default render method:
public function render()
return view('admin::reports.lens', ['title' => $this->title(), 'content' => $this->value()]);
You can also additionally override the title method to change the title shown on the frontend. By default this method returns a title that is generated from the lens class name.
Registering a Lens with your Report
To register your newly created lens with your report you need to ensure the report uses the Aero\Admin\Reports\Traits\HasLens trait and that your lens class is in the reports protected static $lenses array.
namespace Acme\MyModule\Reports;
use Acme\MyModule\Reports\Lenses\TotalOrdersLens;
use Aero\Admin\Reports\Report;
use Aero\Admin\Reports\Traits\HasLens;
use Aero\Cart\Models\Order;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
class OrdersReport extends Report
use HasLens;
protected function newQuery(): Builder
return Order::with([
'status', 'items', 'currency', 'discounts', 'payments.method',
protected static $lenses = [