The main focus of 1.2 are the improvements to the mail notifications screens, where the team have worked on making it easier for retailers to know what variables are available to pop into their email templates (for example, knowing{{ order.reference
is how to include the order reference in the order confirmation email). As well as this, the screens also no longer offer a weird multi-step create process. Instead now you can select the event the mail will send on and set the email content all in one!
Regex is super powerful, but to be honest nobody has a clue how to use it. For this reason, we’ve added a nice little help panel for the postcode regex inputs (found in the shipping methods and tax configuration screens). Just click the (i) next to the label to find out more.
For those retailers who have customers who are super keen to order from them…in bulk…we realised it’s not ideal to see all items on each order. We recently rolled out a feature to hide these order items from the order screen. Today, we’re bringing that feature to the customer’s profile screen, so you can also hide the order items there too.
The release also includes several bug fixes and improvements (as you’d expect). Here are the release notes (apologies they are more developer based).
- [Added] Ability to toggle if order items show when viewing orders for a customer
- [Added] Help sidebar panel for postcode regex
- [Added] Support for array setting pre-defined options
- [Added] Customer view page slots
- [Added] Searchable select filter type
- [Added] Improved mail notification screens
- [Added] Ability to specify if a discount does not require a code
- [Changed] Sticky table header
- [Fixed] Price rounding issue when using 3d.p or more
- [Fixed] Validation errors resulted in all checkboxes being selected when editing a product
- [Fixed] Allow order per limit for buy x for y discount type