php artisan make:module

This command scaffolds a module for you (you need to provide a valid name for the module such as aerocargo/my-module). This involves setting up composer and publishing some default module stubs.


php artisan aero:configure

This command walks you through configuring your store. This includes things such as setting the store's name, database connection, and Elasticsearch connection.


php artisan aero:install

This command runs you through the installation process for your store. This includes completing migrations, configuring Elasticsearch, linking storage, seeding data, and clearing the applications cache.


php artisan aero:link

This command calls the patch command, links theme/module assets, clears the Twig views cache, and clears the Laravel views cache.


php artisan module:install

This command will install a specific module after you have composer required the module. This command seeds any data for the module, optionally clears the application cache, and links the module assets. You should note that this command doesn’t have to be used and is automatically run when composer requiring a module.


php artisan aero:patch

This command patches your store's database. This command is run automatically when updating and ensures that your database is kept up to date with Aeros latest updates.


php artisan aero:search:install

This command sets up the necessary environment for your search driver. By default when using Elasticsearch this command will create the required indexes.


php artisan aero:search:rebuild

This command resets up and reindexes your search by running the search install and reindex commands.


php artisan aero:search:reindex

This command will reindex your database data into your searches index. By default when using Elasticsearch this command will clear the index and then index your database data.


php artisan aero:seed:emails

This command will seed some default email templates to your mail notifications.


php artisan aero:sitemap:cms

This command will generate the pages-sitemap.xml sitemap file in your public storage directory. This sitemap covers any pages you create through the admin.


php artisan aero:sitemap:combinations

This command will generate the combinations-sitemap.xml file in your public storage directory. This sitemap covers any combinations you create through the admin.


php artisan aero:sitemap:generate

This command will generate a complete sitemap for your store. This generates a sitemap.xml file in your public storage directory that references individual sitemap files for products, combinations, and pages.


php artisan aero:sitemap:products

This command will generate the products-sitemap.xml sitemap file in your public storage directory. This sitemap covers any products you create through the admin.


php artisan aero:subscriptions:alert-upcoming

This command will look for upcoming subscriptions and emit the Aero\Subscription\Events\SubscriptionUpcoming event for them.


php artisan aero:subscriptions:check-cards

This command will look for expired cards on subscriptions and then cancel the subscription and emit the Aero\Subscription\Events\SubscriptionCardExpired event for them.


php artisan aero:subscriptions:process

This command will process any subscriptions that need processing.

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