How do I add a custom Vue component to the admin?

This repo ( shows all of the code required to register your own Vue components for the Admin.

You need to add the assetLinks function to your modules service provider so that your modules assets are publicly linkable. An example module service provider can be found here in the repo (

You also need to make your component .vue file(s) and your main .js file that will register all of the components. An example javascript structure can be found here in the repo (

Once you’ve got your files setup and have built the javascript files (using npm - npm run dev or npm run production), you need to ensure that your module's components javascript file is loaded and the components are registered in the Blade view where you want to use the component(s). To do this you need to include the javascript file from your module and then register the components through the window.AeroAdmin.vue.use method.

   <script src="{{ asset(mix('components.js', 'modules/aerocargo/admin-example-vue')) }}"></script>

Once you have completed this you’ll be able to use your custom Vue component(s) anywhere in the Blade file where you have registered them.

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