ENV Variables
Variable |
Default |
Description |
aerocommerce/account-area |
Defines the namespace that should be registered as having the views and resources for the account area. This should only be changed under unique circumstances. |
layouts.main |
Defines the layout that the account area views use. If the layout provided doesn’t exist, account-area::layouts.blank will be used. |
Config File
If you would like to change any of the config values you can publish the config file by running:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aero\AccountArea\ServiceProvider"
Once the file is published you will be able to edit it through the config php file created at /config/aero/account-area.php.
Date Format
This defines the format used when displaying any dates in the account area.
Order Status State Classes
This defines the map used to find the colour for the order status state.
The colours are defined using CSS classes:
Class |
Colour |
success |
Green |
warning |
Orange |
error |
Red |
Order Status Radio Options
This defines the order statuses shown in the radio options on the orders page and what order status states they map to.
Order Years
This defines the number of previous years to display in the years dropdown on the orders page.
Page Sections
This defines the sections that make up each page by default. You can add/edit/remove sections through code, it is not necessary to adjust these values usually.
This defines the views that are injected into slots by default.
This defines the links that should be in the navbar by default. You can add/edit/remove links through code, it is not necessary to adjust these values usually.