How do I manage inventory of my product?

In order to update your products inventory, first you will need to navigate to the product in the admin. To do this use the "Catalog Management" menu and locate the "Products" button.

Where the inventory is located on this page will depend on if the product is a singular or a product with variants.

If your product is singular then you will need to scroll down to the "inventory" section.

If your product has variants then you will need to scroll down to the "variants" section.

There are a number of fields available in these sections that all relate to the inventory of your products;

  • Model / SKU - this is a unique identifier for this product.
  • Barcode - while optional the barcode is often used by third party applications such as Google Shopping.
  • Reference - while optional the reference field can be used to provide data to an EPOS or other system.
  • Track this products stock level - this is selected by default but you can choose to not track stock if you are using drop shipping for example.
  • Stock level - this is used to enter the quantity in stock of the product you're creating. (Aero will automatically deduct stock when an item is sold.)
  • Min purchase quantity - allows you to set a minimum quantity for ordering this product.
  • Max purchase quantity - allows you to limit the quantity when ordering this product.
  • Multiples of - allows you to restrict the purchase of this product to a certain multiple, for example only allowing wine to be bought as a case of 6.
  • Stock buffer - allows you to set the number of items in stock before the website will list the item as out of stock, this is mainly used for when selling via third party integrations as well as your Aero store.
  • Allow customers to purchase this product when out of stock - Ticking this box will allow customers to purchase this item even when none are in-stock, this is particularly useful for drop shipping.

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