Listing collections can be used to group products together and display them on specified pages.
Run this command at the root of your project
composer require aerocargo/listing-collections
Create your section
Create the file;
Add the loop;
{% set collection = listings([{
"tag_name.en": id
}], 8) %}
{% component "listings" with {listings: collection} csr %}
<div class="aero-listing-collection">
<h3 class="aero-listing-collection__title">{{ title }}</h3>
<ul class="aero-listings grid grid-cols-4">
<li v-for="listing in" class="aero-listing">
{% snippet "listing-card" %}
{% endcomponent %}
Reference your section where you'd like it to display and pass through the variables, here we'll use the tag name best-sellers
this will be referenced in the next step.
{% section "listing-collection" with {
id: 'best-sellers',
title: 'Best sellers',
} %}
Tag some products
In the admin create a tag which matches the tag name set previously and tag your products.
Add Swiper to create a carousel (optional)
There's no need to add SwiperJS as the files are included in the boilerplate theme.
Reference the css at the top of your section:
We use the once tag so that swiperjs will not be added to the page multiple times if we have more than one instance of the section
{% css %}
{% once 'swipercss' %}
{{ theme_css('swiper.min.css') }}
{% endonce %}
{% endcss %}
Add the relevant classes to your collection:
{% component "listings" with {listings: collection} csr %}
<div class="aero-listing-collection">
<h3 class="aero-listing-collection__title">{{ title }}</h3>
<div class="aero-listing-collection__carousel swiper-container" id="{{ id }}">
<ul class="aero-listings swiper-wrapper">
<li v-for="listing in" class="aero-listing swiper-slide">
{% snippet "listing-card" %}
{% endcomponent %}
Add your JS to the bottom of your section:
We use the once tag so that swiperjs will not be added to the page multiple times if we have more than one instance of the section
{% js %}
{% once 'swiperjs' %}
<script src="{{ theme_asset('swiper.min.js') }}"></script>
{% endonce %}
function initSwiper{{ id | replace({'-':''}) }}(){
new Swiper('#{{ id }}', {
slidesPerView: 2,
slidesPerGroup: 2,
spaceBetween: 16,
longSwipesRatio: 0,
loop: false,
allowTouchMove: true,
watchOverflow: true,
breakpoints: {
// @screen lg
1024: {
slidesPerView: 3,
slidesPerGroup: 3,
spaceBetween: 16,
allowTouchMove: true,
pagination: {
clickable: true,
// @screen xl
1280: {
slidesPerView: 4,
slidesPerGroup: 4,
spaceBetween: 24,
allowTouchMove: true,
pagination: {
clickable: true,
{% endjs %}